
Todd Christopher is an award-winning writer, educator, and producer who celebrates wonder wherever he finds it — and still believes in the power of words, images and music to make the world a better place.

He was the co-founder of the National Wildlife Federation's original Green Hour campaign to promote the well-being of kids and families through regular exposure to and interaction with the natural world around them. He is the former director of online media for and Ranger Rick, Your Big Backyard, and Wild Animal Baby magazines, where his work has been honored by the Association of Educational Publishers. He has served as Editorial Director of Conservation International and as Senior Director of Digital & Editorial Strategy for the National Parks Conservation Association. He launched NPCA's podcast, The Secret Lives of Parks, in 2021.

A lifelong nature nerd, Todd tries to keep up with his son and daughter, who have joined him on hikes ranging from 11,000 feet above to 282 feet below sea level. He counts dark chocolate, well-worn guitars, English football and October baseball among the finest things in life, and he is terribly uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. The Green Hour: A Daily Dose of Nature for Happier, Healthier, Smarter Kids is his first book.